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Phone Integration

Call right from
the interface

Save time by making and receiving calls directly in Kommo. With just one click, you can place a call straight from the client’s profile while the vital info is right in front of you. There’s no additional equipment needed.

And forget about jotting notes on scrap paper—every call is be automatically recorded and logged in the client’s card, so that you never lose any important info.

Phone Number

Any Number

You can use your current phone number or connect a new one from any city or country. Just choose the service provider you prefer in the Integrations tab, follow a few simple steps, and you're all set.

Outgoing Calls List

Dial Fast
Save Time
Sell more

Streamline the task of contacting clients with Kommo’s outgoing calls list. After you finish a phone call, the system will automatically dial the next phone number. If the call attempt is unsuccessful, the list will be rearranged accordingly. And you can also rearrange the list manually to increase the call priority for a particular client.

Call Redirection


Every call is redirected to the assigned salesperson automatically, so your clients always talk to a familiar voice without having to navigate a million menus. Our smart call transfer works by finding the contact in the database and switching the call over to the responsible user. If the salesperson is busy, the call will become available to all users of the system, or it will be sent to a VM.

Call Reporting

Track your Team’s workload

In Kommo, it’s easy to keep an eye on how your team is performing. Call reporting allows you to see the number of successfully completed incoming and outgoing calls both for individual salespeople and for the department as a whole. You can also keep track of the dynamics and quality of calls.

Sales Automation

Progress leads
With a call

Enjoy total, automated control over the sales process. With Kommo, your sales reps never have to manually move a customer to the next stage of the pipeline after a call. Just set up an automation in Digital Pipeline, and it will always be done automatically. This is an essential ingredient for partial and whole pipeline automation, and the perfect compliment for your lead qualification process.

🏎️💨 Test drive Kommo free for 14 days. No credit card required!