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Smart Sales Automation

Set Your Sales in Auto Mode

Digital Pipeline brings you the power to automate your entire sales process. Whether it’s showing leads targeted ads, alerting a rep to call, or even adding data to analytics, Kommo puts all the dominoes in place. That way, leads are kept engaged and moving through your pipeline automatically. And with the repetitive tasks left to the system, your team can focus on what they do best: selling.

How It Works

in real life

Behavior-based Triggers

Strike when the
Moment’s right

Digital Pipeline tracks lead behaviors,
triggering nurture and follow-up
automations that engage leads
when they’re most responsive
For example, you can set it so
that when a lead visits your pricing
it triggers a task for the responsible sales
rep to call them. Just choose your which lead
behaviors trigger which actions. The system does the rest.

Lead Progression

Move Leads Automatically

With Kommo, manually moving a client through the sales pipeline is now a thing of the past. Now leads can be progressed automatically when they meet given conditions. For example, you can easily configure the pipeline to push leads forward from the "initial contact" stage if they send an email or visit a particular page on your site. The system will then notify the responsible sales person about the changes, and they can take steps to keep the lead moving forward.

Targeted Advertising

Focus your ad campaign
On the right

Facebook is visited daily by countless prospects from every walk of life. That's why Facebook ad campaigns are a great way to increase sales.

Digital Pipeline combines the power of Facebook ads with the precision of automation. You can display ads to leads who have reached a specific sales stage. That way, you only show ads to the right prospects at the right time.

🏎️💨 Test drive Kommo free for 14 days. No credit card required!