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Built-in integrations

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library of

Kommo comes with loads of readymade integrations. From email marketing and web form creation to telephone and online chat, these widgets to make your communication with customers more comprehensive and convenient.

Open API


With Kommo, the possibilities for customization are endless. Using the API, you can create and add the widgets and services that fit your exact business needs. All the data—contacts, companies, leads, tasks and more—is at your fingertips. You can look up, add and edit data with ease.


Track events,
Trigger actions

Webhooks track changes to leads, contacts and companies. With event subscription, you can configure the notifications you need. Webhooks can also be used to trigger actions on other systems, such as automatically sending a notification to your accounting application to generate an invoice when a lead is won.

Our Partners


If you need a developer, consultant or analyst, you’re more than welcome to contact one of our partners. They are always happy to help you with setup and custom integration.

🏎️💨 Test drive Kommo free for 14 days. No credit card required!