Error Codes

List of API error and API responses

When an incorrect request to the system is executed, our API can return an error code, in the case of the correct query, the API will return a response. You, of course, have already processed the server’s response while debugging your widgets or writing scripts interacting with our system. For your convenience, we decided to systematize all possible answers and errors, given by our system and place them on a separate page. We hope this will facilitate and accelerate the integration of your projects with Kommo.

Responses during authorization

Read more about authorization here

Error code HTTP code Description
110 401 Unauthorized General authorization error. Incorrect login or password.
111 401 Unauthorized Occurs after several unsuccessful authorization attempts. In this case, you need to log in to your account through the browser by entering the captcha code.
112 401 Unauthorized Occurs when the user is turned off in the “Users and Rights” account settings or is not in the account.
113 403 Forbidden Access to this account is prohibited from your IP address. Occurs when the filtering of access to the API by the “whitelist of IP addresses” is enabled in the account security settings.
101 401 Unauthorized Occurs in the case of a request to a non-existent account (subdomain).
401 401 Unauthorized Not Authorized. There is no account information on the server. You need to make a request to another server on the transmitted IP.

Responses while working with your account

For more information about working with your account, click here

Code Description
101 No account found
102 POST parameters must be sent in JSON format
103 Parameters not passed
104 The requested API method was not found

Responses when working with contacts

For more information about working with contacts, click here.

Code Description
201 Adding Contacts: An Empty Array
202 Adding contacts: no rights
203 Adding contacts: system error when working with additional fields
204 Adding contacts: additional field not found
205 Adding contacts: no contact created
206 Add / Update contacts: empty query
207 Adding / Updating contacts: invalid method requested
208 Updating contacts: an empty array
209 Updating contacts: “id” and “updated_at” parameters are required
210 Updating contacts: system error when working with additional fields
211 Updating contacts: additional field not found
212 Updating contacts: contact not updated
219 Contact list: Search error, retry the request later

Response when dealing with lead

More information about dealing with lead read here

Code Description
213 Adding Leads: An Empty Array
214 Adding / Updating deals: empty request
215 Adding / Updating leads: invalid method requested
216 Updating leads: empty array
217 Updating leads: the parameters “id”, “updated_at”, “status_id”, “name” ‘are required
240 Adding / Updating leads: invalid parameter “id” of an additional field

Responses when working with events

Read more about working with events here

Code Description
218 Adding events: empty array
221 Event list: type required
226 Adding events: an event element of this entity could not be found
244 Adding events: insufficient rights to add an event
222 Adding / Updating Events: Empty request
223 Add / Update events: invalid method requested (GET instead of POST)
224 Event update: empty array
225 Event updates: no events found

Responses when working with tasks

Read more about working with tasks here

Code Description
227 Adding Tasks: An Empty Array
228 Add / Update tasks: empty query
229 Adding / Updating Tasks: Invalid Method Requested
230 Updating tasks: an empty array
231 Update tasks: No tasks found
232 Adding events: The item ID or item type is empty or not valid
233 Adding events: some contacts have not been found for this item ID
234 Adding events: some transactions have not been found for this item ID
235 Adding Tasks: no element type specified
236 Adding Tasks: No contacts found for this Item ID
237 Adding Tasks: Some transactions were not found for this Item ID
238 Adding contacts: Missing value for additional field
244 Adding transactions: no rights.

Responses when working with directories

Read more about working with directories here.

Code Description
405 Request Transfer Method Invalid
222 Adding / Updating / Deleting directories: an empty query
244 Adding / Updating / Deleting directories: No permissions.
281 Directory not deleted: internal error
282 The directory was not found in the account.
283 Invalid request, data not sent.
284 Invalid request, no array sent.
285 Required field not passed.

Responses when working with directory elements

For more information about working with directory elements, see here

Code Description
405 Request Transfer Method is Invalid
203 Adding / Updating Directory Items: System Error with Custom Fields
204 Adding / Updating Directory Items: An additional field was not found
222 Adding / Updating / Deleting directory items: an empty request
244 Adding / Updating / Deleting directory items: insufficient rights
280 Adding directory items: element created.
282 Item not found in account.
283 Invalid request, data not sent.
284 Invalid request, no array passed.
285 Required field not submitted.

Responses when working with customers

For more information about working with customers, see here

Code Description
288 Insufficient rights. Access is denied.
402 It is necessary to pay for the functional.
425 Functionality is not available.
426 Functionality is disabled.

Other Responses

Errors and responses that do not relate to any particular section

Code Description Note
400 Wrong structure of the array of transmitted data, or invalid identifiers of custom fields
402 Subscription has ended With this reply, you receive a HTTP code #402 “Payment Required”
403 The account is blocked, for repeatedly exceeding the number of requests per second. Together with this response, HTTP code #403
429 The number of requests per second exceeded With the response, the HTTP code #429 is sent
2002 There are no results for your search At the same time HTTP code #204 “No Content” is given with this response.